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#001 White
#069 Blush
#059 Ivory
#100 Shell
#084 Latte
#060 Peach
#099 Misty Rose
#103 Butter
#043 Baby Yellow
#003 Yellow
#004 Orange
#076 Mocha
#048 Brown
#078 Corallo
#005 Red
#045 Red
#006 Rose
#057 Pink
#073 Baby Pink
#007 Fuchsia
#047 Burgundy
#101 Vino
#079 Lilac
#049 Lavender
#008 Purple
#075 Periwinkle
#072 Baby Blue
#009 Light Blue
#010 Blue
#046 Blue
#102 Navy
#068 Turquoise
#077 Mint Green
#098 Green Olive
#050 Aquamarine
#011 Light Green
#012 Green
#013 Green
#104 Emerald Green
#070 Grey
#014 Black
#000 Crystal
#040 Yellow
#041 Orange
#042 Red
#018 Green
#019 Blue
#020 Purple
#015 Yellow
#016 Pink
#017 Lilac
#023 Jade Green
#044 Sky Blue
#021 Yellow
#022 Orange
#025 Pink
#026 Purple
#027 Green
#029 White
#028 Pearl
#058 Ivory
#061 Peach
#056 Baby Yellow
#030 Yellow
#074 Dorato
#039 Gold
#031 Orange
#066 Brown
#032 Red
#053 Red
#033 Rose
#064 Fuchsia
#071 Rose Gold
#095 Lilac
#052 Burgundy
#063 Lavender
#034 Purple
#035 Light Blue
#036 Blue
#054 Blue
#062 Aquamarine
#067 Light Green
#094 Mint Green
#037 Green
#055 Green
#038 Silver
#065 Black
#085 Shiny Prosecco
#088 Shiny Gold
#089 Shiny Silver
#090 Shiny Space Grey
#091 Shiny Pink
#092 Shiny Blue
#105 Shiny Kiwi
#093 Shiny Green
#096 Shiny Rosegold
#097 Shiny Purple