Terms & Conditions

Informazioni legali

I.- Users.
Access to this website and the use of itare subject to the conditions and terms set out below and imply their total acceptance.

II.- Use of the website, its services and contents.

The user undertakes to use the website and the services contained therein without breaching the relevant legislation, in good faith, and in full acceptance of the regulations in force. Use of web pages for illegal or harmful purposes for both GEMAR s.r.l. and for third parties and whichmay prejudice or prevent the smooth functioning of the websitein any form is forbidden. Regarding thewebsitecontent (information, text, graphics, sound, and / or files, photographs, design etc.), it is prohibited:

* Reproduction, distribution or modification of the contents, unless authorized by GEMAR s.r.l. and in any case only where it is legally granted.

* Any violation of the rights of GEMAR s.r.l.

* The use of the aforementioned contents for any commercial and / or advertising purpose, other than those strictly granted by GEMAR s.r.l.

III.- Unilateral changes..

GEMAR s.r.l. reserves the right, without prior notice, to modify the structure and design of the website and to modify or delete services and conditions of access and / or use of the website.

IV.- Hypertext links..

The creation of links from other websites to this site is encouraged but only if GEMAR s.r.l. is notified of the connection made. The inclusion of this site or part of it within frames and i-frames is expressly prohibited. The establishment of links from other websites to this site is a mandatory condition in the case of citations of part of it.

V.- Exclusion of guarantees and liability. .

GEMAR s.r.l. does not give any guarantee nor does it assume responsibility, under any circumstances, for damages of any nature that could derive from:

* Lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the web page and / or its services or contents.

* The unavailability, adequacy or validity of the web page and / or its services or contents with respect to the needs, activities or specific results or user expectations.

* The receipt, transfer or dissemination of the content by users.

* The existence of viruses, harmful or dangerous programs in their contents.

* The illegal, negligent or fraudulent useof the website, its services and contentsby users, contrary to the general conditions, to good faith, to the generally accepted conditions of use or contrary to public order.

* The illegality, quality, responsibility, utility and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.

* Violations conducted by third parties for their obligations or commitments in relation to the services provided by users through the website.

VI.- Term
The term of the website service is of an indefinite nature..

Without prejudice to the above, GEMAR s.r.l. reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the web service or any other service that composes it, according to the provisions of conditionnumber III.

VII.-Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction..

The applicable legislation will, in any case, be Italian, the jurisdiction of CASSINO(FR) Italy.