Florida Super Jam – 2021

Bringing the Super Jam Online

The Florida Super Jam is always one of January’s highlights and this year was no exception, even if it was a little different.

2021 saw the famous balloon convention become a “HomeVention”, with all the classes and events streamed to participants via zoom. Not only that, Gemar sent balloon packs to participants around the globe, so everyone had all the balloons they needed to get hands on and truly participate in our workshops.

Four Gemar Ambassadors were among the international tutors, and everyone loved their workshops. With around 130 people attending each session, holding them online meant everyone had a front row seat – nobody had to struggle to see from the back!

Irina Gvozdenko attended from Russia and was blown away by the wonderful comments she received! She says that in Russia people don’t say anything when things go well, although they say a lot if they don’t like it. But she found the American audience very open and full of warmth in their praise, which was wonderful.

Irina wasn’t the only one, Veronika had to pre-record her session so it could be translated, but that didn’t matter at all. It was very much enjoyed and her stunning Rainbow Tree sculpture was a real show stopper.

Irina Lobanova went live along with her interpreter. Everyone was delighted with the session, which was full of great new techniques and useful tips to help participants polish their skills.

Finally, Gergo used our famous Shiny balloons to create cartoon characters and superheroes. Always a fabulous entertainer, Gergo was described as a “magician with balloons” and the audience were not just educated, but enthralled as well.

If Florida Super Jam gave us a taste of 2021, then it was certainly a sweet one! We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.