Happy Holi 2019 !

Festival of colours

India celebrates spring in colour is a very important holiday for Hindus. Celebrated every year in March for two days, during the full moon of the month of Phâlguna, it marks the end of winter and the coming of spring. It symbolizes fertility and the victory of good over evil.

All the streets of India become on this occasion the scene of joy, where the inhabitants spray themselves with paint, colored powder and swing balloons filled with water pigmented in their faces. A little green for harmony, orange for optimism, blue for vitality and red for joy and love. After spraying his victim with paint, it is customary to exclaim: “Bura Na Mano, Holi Hai! “Don’t be angry, it’s the Holi! »

So, ready to lift the moment with gemarballoons for a color explosion?


