Go Green: Staff Contracts

Sustainability Starts at Home

When you think of sustainability you often think of things like recycling and forest management. Quite rightly, since those are vitally important topics! However, sustainability is actually a much wider topic and today we are discussing something that impacts everyone who works for Gemar, right here in Casalvieri.

One aspect of sustainability that is often overlooked is the human impact a company has. That might mean things like treating native communities well, or avoiding suppliers who use child labour. It can also mean thinking about the direct impact of a company’s employment practices in their own factories and offices.

It is important to us that we have a positive impact on everyone who we meet. From those who care for and tap the rubber trees to our most distant customers, and everyone in between. Of course that has to include the wonderful team who work with us in Casalvieri! One way to achieve this is by offering a fair employment contract and we are pleased to say that 100% of our staff are permanently employed, and all are able to work full time.

This matters because it protects those who work so hard to make Gemar the well respected brand it is today. As employees (rather than independent contractors) our staff have various rights protected by law. These include paid holidays, parental leave and sick days among many other things. It’s good to know that if something unexpected happens you will be looked after!

Of course temporary employees also have many of those protections, but having a permanent contract gives so much more security. 100% of our staff are able to plan for the future with complete confidence, safe in the knowledge that their job will still be here in six months, or even six years! They don’t have to worry about a contract ending, which means they can relax and enjoy life. We want everyone to know that their lifestyles, and their family’s lifestyles, are secure and sustainable for the foreseeable future.

Our focus is very much on the wellbeing of the people who make Gemar great, but it’s fair to say that we benefit as well. People who feel well looked after tend to stay and we have a very low rate of staff turnover. This means that we have well qualified employees who know everything about our specialist machines and the production process. After many years of friendship, the team work so well together that it’s easy to ensure consistency in our processes and in the final product.