World Environment Day 2022

Go green with Gemar

At Gemar we have a tradition of honoring the UN World Environment Day. And this year is no different.

Gemar is situated in a beautiful natural area, in the heart of gorgeous mountains. Therefore, environmental concerns have become our highest priority. Balloons give people happiness and we firmly believe that we can spread that joy in an environmentally friendly, sustainable and ethical way.

In our production process we focus our environmental efforts in next main areas:

natural products. All our balloons are made from “caoutchouc”, a natural and renewable material. That’s why they are 100% bio-based.

reducing carbon footprint. Fighting global warming is one of our goals. Luckily, balloon production has a low influence on climate change, as growing rubber trees absorb CO2. The analysis showed that the annual CO2 sequestration of a rubber plantation is averaging at 36.7 tonnes CO2 ha-1 yr-1. Our whole manufacturing process actually saves 29.09 tons of carbon for each ton of Gemar balloons.

recyclable and reusable bags. All of our packaging is either reusable, recyclable and/or FSC®-certified . Our zip bags can be reused again and again and refilled.

We are making peace with nature every day, not just on June 5. That’s why we prepared a new section on our web-site where we will share all our knowledge and achievements in this important area.

In addition to our activities for planet’s protections we also support different organisations, such as World Ocean Day, by donating $2000 for protecting and restoring our ocean. We care about the future of our planet that’s why we are supporting the 30×30 goal and signed the petition to protect at least 30% of the ocean by 2030.

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